条款 & 条件

  1. 介绍.

    (A) 管理方面. This website, 包括 the features and 服务 available from the site, (collectively “vijethaschool.com” or “Site”) is an interactive on-line service operated by the 亚利桑那州商务管理局 (ACA). 本服务条款, along with any additional terms and 条件 that are referenced herein or that are presented elsewhere on the Site in relation to a specific service or feature (collectively “条款 of Service”) and the ACA 隐私政策, 列出适用于您使用azcommerce的条款和条件.com. 通过使用azcommerce.您同意遵守本协议的所有条款和条件. 如果您不同意这些服务条款,您不应该访问或使用vijethaschool.com.

    (B) 服务条款的变更. ACA可以修改服务条款, 或其任何部分, 或随时添加或删除条款, 这样的修改, 添加或删除将在发布后立即生效. 您对azcommerce的使用.com after such posting shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of such modifications, 添加或删除.

    (C) 网站变更. ACA可以改变或停止azcommerce的任何方面、服务或功能.随时联系。, 包括, 但不限于, content, 办公时间, 以及进入或使用所需的设备.

    (D) 登记. You may be given the opportunity to register via an online registration form to create a user account (your “Account”) that may allow you to receive information from ACA and/or to participate in certain features on the Site such as certain Interactive Areas. ACA将根据ACA隐私政策使用您提供的信息. By registering you represent and warrant that all information that you provide on the registration form is current, 尽你所知完整而准确. You agree to maintain and promptly update your registration information on the Site so that it remains current, 完整准确. 在注册过程中,您可能需要选择一个密码. 您承认并同意ACA可依赖此密码识别您的身份. 您对您的帐户的所有使用负责, 无论您是否授权此类访问或使用, and for ensuring that all use of your Account complies fully with the provisions of these 条款 of Service.

  2. 版权所有权.

    Azcommerce.Com可能包含受版权保护的材料, 商标和其他专有信息, 包括, 但不限于, 文本, 软件, 照片, video, 图形, 音乐和声音, 以及azcommerce的全部content.在美国版权法下,网站作为集体作品受版权保护. ACA拥有选集的版权, 协调, 安排和加强这些content, 以及原创的content. 你不能修改, 发布, 传输, 参与转让或出售, 创作衍生作品, 或者以任何方式利用, 任何content, 全部地或部分地. 您可以下载受版权保护的材料仅供您个人使用. 著作权法另有明确许可的除外, 没有复制, 再分配, 重传, publication or commercial exploitation of downloaded material will be permitted without the express permission of ACA and the copyright owner. 在任何允许复制的情况下, 再分发或出版受版权保护的材料, 没有更改或删除作者署名, 应制作商标图例或版权声明. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by downloading copyrighted material.

  3. 第三方content.

    ACA可以分发由第三方和用户提供的content. 任何意见, 建议, 语句, 服务, 提供了, 或由第三方表达或提供的其他信息或content, 包括azcommerce的信息提供者或用户.com的版权均为各自作者或分销商的版权,而非ACA的版权. ACA或任何第三方信息提供者均不保证准确性, 完整性, 或任何content的有用性, 也不是它的适销性或适合于任何特定目的. (Refer to Section 5 below for the complete provisions governing limitation of liabilities and disclaimers of warranty.)
    在某些情况下,通过azcommerce提供的content.com may represent the 的意见s and judgments of the respective user or information provider not under contract with ACA. ACA既不认可也不对任何意见的准确性或可靠性负责, 关于azcommerce的建议或声明.任何第三方的网站. Under no circumstances will ACA be liable for any loss or damage caused by your use or reliance on information obtained through vijethaschool.com. ACA is not responsible for any actions or inaction on your part based on the information that is presented on vijethaschool.com. 评估准确性是你的责任, 任何信息的完整性或有用性, 的意见, 建议或其他content可通过vijethaschool.com. 请咨询专业人士, 适当的, 关于评估任何具体信息, 的意见, 建议或其他content.

  4. 广告及促销

    ACA可以在网站上运行第三方的广告和促销活动. 你的业务往来或通信, 或参与促销活动, ACA以外的广告商, 任何项, 条件, 与该等交易有关的保证或陈述, 是你和第三方之间的秘密吗. ACA is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of third-party advertisers on the Site.


    (A) 您明确同意使用azcommerce.Com的风险由你方承担. 无论是ACA, 董事会成员, 军官, 或员工, 也不是亚利桑那州, 保证azcommerce.COM WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE; NOR DO THEY MAKE ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE RESULTS THAT MAY BE OBTAINED FROM USE OF AZCOMMERCE.COM, 或者是准确性, 任何信息的可靠性或content, 服务, 或通过azcommerce提供的商品.COM.

    (B) AZCOMMERCE.COM, 包括, 但不限于, 任何可下载软件, 是按“现状”提供的,没有任何形式的保证, 明示或暗示, 包括, 但不限于, WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, 除了那些由免责条款暗示且不能排除的保证之外, 根据适用于本服务条款的法律进行的限制或修改.


    (D) 在任何情况下都不会, 董事会成员, 军官, 或员工, 或者是亚利桑那州, 或任何参与创造的个人或实体, 生产或分发azcommerce的.Com或azcommerce.COM软件, 对任何损害负责, 包括, 但不限于, 直接, 间接, 偶然的, 特殊的, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE AZCOMMERCE.COM.

    (E) 除上述条款外, 无论是ACA, 董事会成员, 军官, 或员工, 也不是亚利桑那州, 无论原因或持续时间如何,都要承担责任吗, 如果有任何错误, 不准确, 遗漏, 或者其他缺陷, 或不合时宜或不真实, 包含在azcommerce中的信息.COM, 或任何延迟或中断传输给您, 或由此产生或引起的任何索赔或损失. NONE OF THE FOREGOING PARTIES SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS OR LOSSES OF ANY NATURE, 包括, 但不限于, 失去了利润, 惩罚性或间接损害赔偿. 无论是ACA, 董事会成员, 军官, 或员工, 也不是亚利桑那州, 保证及时性, 序列, 此信息的准确性或完整性. ADDITIONALLY, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE INFORMATION.

    (F) ACA disclaims any and all liability of any kind for any unauthorized access to or use of your personally identifiable information. 通过访问azcommerce.您承认并同意ACA对任何此类责任的免责声明. 如果您不同意,您不应该访问或使用vijethaschool.com.

  6. 赔偿.

    你同意为, 赔偿ACA并使其免受伤害, 董事会成员, 军官, 和员工, 以及亚利桑那州, 其附属公司及其各自董事, 军官, 员工和代理人从和反对所有索赔和费用, 包括律师费, 由于使用azcommerce而产生的.通过您或您的帐户.

  7. 终止.

    ACA可在不通知您的情况下随时终止或暂停本服务条款. 在不限制前述content的前提下, ACA shall have the right to immediately terminate your Account in the event of any conduct by you which ACA, 自行决定, 认为是不可接受的, 或在您违反本服务条款的情况下. 第一节的规定, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 第9条和第10条在本服务条款终止后继续有效.

  8. 商标.

    ACA拥有与本网站相关的徽标和商标的所有权利. 出现在azcommerce上的所有其他标识和商标.网站是其各自所有者的财产.

  9. 杂项.

    本服务条款和azcommerce的任何操作规则.com established by ACA constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersede all previous written or oral agreements between the parties with respect to such subject matter. 这些服务条款的规定是为了ACA的利益, 亚利桑那州, other affiliates and its third party content providers and licensors and each shall have the right to assert and enforce such provisions directly or on its own behalf. 本服务条款 shall be construed in accordance with the laws of 亚利桑那州, 不考虑其与法律规则的冲突. No waiver by either party of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default. The section headings used herein are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal import.

  10. 版权及版权代理.

    ACA尊重所有版权持有人的权利,在这方面. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide ACA’s 版权代理 the following information required by the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 512:

    1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
    2. 确认声称被侵犯的版权作品, or, 如果一个在线网站上的多个版权作品被一个通知覆盖, 该地点此类工程的代表性清单;
    3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, 以及足以让我们找到该材料的合理信息;
    4. 足以让我们联系投诉方的合理信息;
    5. A statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, 其代理人, or the law; and
    6. 声明通知中的信息是准确的, 并以伪证罪处罚, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

    100 N. 第七大道 

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